Okay, I Can’t Hold My Excitement Any Longer!

Posted on by Donald in Adventure, Article Writing, Fun, Internet Marketing, Intresting Stuff, Life, Making Money Leave a comment

Hehe, either it’s the second shot of Monster energy in me, or I’m just excited about my next eBook I’m working on! Not only do I love doing eBooks now, even though I hate writing, but I love the fact that when writing an eBook I learn so much more about the subject it makes it all worth it.

So I just finished the first version of Webmaster Blueprint, an eBook about learning how to start on online business with your own website and how to market it.

I need to come up with a new tag line..

Webmaster Blueprint! The best damn internet marketing eBook out there, a Beginners guide to starting an online business and Marketing it for EXPLODING SALES! YEAH!!!!!! Bi*CH!!

monster_energyHaha.. Monster Energy is Awesome!

Ah, I forget what’s my new eBook about? The secret I didn’t want to talk about in one of my lastest post?

It’s for the lazy Black Hat Marketer! I find at times I’m a pretty lazy person, other times when I have monster in me I’m apparently not so lazy. Okay enough delay, my new eBook which is still in the research stage will be on Auto Blogging!

What is Auto Blogging?

It’s the process of setting up dozens, even hundreds of Blogs that run on autopilot!

If your auto blogs are setup correctly you can easily make hundreds even thousands of dollars a day with them. But it’s not an easy process! I want to stress this, it’s not all fun and games and not for a quick buck until you master auto blogs!

I’ve been auto blogging for a couple years now, and the blogs I have, some are doing very well and others are on life support with me reaching for the cord.

Auto blogging can be fun because you can watch and nurture your auto blogs into a money making machine that can drive tons of traffic to anything you want really.

If you have a business you want to promote, setup a dozen or so auto blogs and point your blogs to your business website. I used to do that when I sold virtual currencies for online games and it worked very well.

If you’re an affiliate marketer, add your affiliate offers all over your blog for sales.

Currently I like to presale a product with landing pages, also I have banners setup to promote affiliate offers and I collect emails to promote more products later on! It’s awesome and it generates me hundreds of dollars a day on autopilot.

I do a lot of things to make money online, and I found auto blogging and selling my own product seem to be the best bet for making solid long term income online.

I’ve been making money with auto blogs for literally years now… and that’s the way I like it.

I’ll keep you guys updated on the status of the Auto Blogging guide.

It shouldn’t be a long process like Webmaster Blueprint, hopefully it will be done in a month or two! Most likely two months. *crosses fingers*

My monster drink is making me crash so I must nap now.


Starting a Blog From Scratch

Posted on by Donald in Article Writing, How-To, Making Money, SEO 2 Comments

A daunting task I know, so how does one do it? You buy a domain, get your hosting setup, install WordPress… now what?

wordpress scheduel postFor me, I don’t have the time to start writing in a new blog everyday. I hardly have the time to write in this one. So what I do is either buy articles from the DigitalPoint forums or I find content that is free but not in the search engines already. You want to use unique content because search engines do not like duplicate content and they will penalize you for it. Then I use WordPress to schedule articles to be posted in the future. I can schedule hundreds of post to be published days, weeks, months or even years a head a time. That saves me time and I don’t have to worry about the blog for the most part.

Then I start creating backlinks. A member of the eBay Suspension forum has been working on a list of sites that give you free dofollow backlinks. Go through the list and start creating backlinks for your site using the keywords you want to rank for in search engines.

That’s all there is to it. Add unique content often, and create a lot backlinks. Easy right?

Here are my stats for a blog I started a little over two weeks ago. It’s a brand new blog with only a couple backlinks and about 20 articles so far.

New Blog

I plan to scheduel 1-2 articles a day to be posted and create more backlinks as time goes by. It seems to be going in the right direction for just being 19 days old.

And remember for long term success on the internet, having your own website is one of the best ways to go. Good luck!

Also read: How to Generate Search Engine Traffic – SEO Tips

It’s hard to Blog! How do people do it?

Posted on by Donald in Article Writing, Life Leave a comment

How do people find the time to write post in their blogs two to three times a day? Unless they have nothing else to do, I don’t see how people do it. It’s hard enough for me to post a couple times a week, let along a couple times a day!

An example would be this guy, Blogging with Desi Baba; this guy talks about how to improve your blog and make money from blogging. One of his suggestions is to post something new two to three times a day. I can understand if you’re trying to make money from you blog, but for the most part I think it’s a personal thing for most people. If you’re trying to make money from blogging, you better have a huge audience waiting on you hand and foot for your content. I mean 10k or more if you want to make any money. If you have only a couple hundred a day visiting your site, you’ll be lucky if you get a few dollars a day from adsense. To me it’s not worth blogging for money. It’s better to create a business of some sort, or if you don’t like dealing with customers, become an affiliate for a business. I’ve recently started with Clickbank, and without spending money for advertising I’ve managed to make a few hundred dollars easy. I plan to expand my affiliate business as soon as I can, and I’ll talk more about my progress with other affiliate programs as time goes by.

As for blogging, I hardly blog to make money at aspkin.com, I do it because I like doing it. It’s mostly a place where I keep notes for what I’m doing or have done. If I figure something out, I don’t want to forget it so I either write it down somewhere or I’ll post about it. I don’t know many people who actually make big bucks from a blog; maybe these people, johnchow.com and shoemoney.com but for everyone else it’s just a place to talk about whatever.

Maybe I should make some post with YouTube Videos…

Or add games to my site!

That looks like some easy posting to me! I could say, hey look at this cool video I saw on YouTube, or this super cool game! blah blah! Maybe that’s too lazy. 🙂

Jon’s Instant Article Wizard

Posted on by Donald in Article Writing, Recommends, SEO Leave a comment

I think you probably know that article writing is an outstanding way to generate traffic to your site, both from article directories and from the links the articles provide which help your search engine rankings.

I’ve done case studies in the past that demonstrated how easy it was to generate hundreds of unique visitors in just a couple of weeks by writing a few articles and submitting them to just 3 of the big article sites.

The problem with writing articles isn’t the actual writing — that’s the easy part — it’s the research. It takes a long time to research articles, especially if you’re not already familiar with the subject that you’re wanting to write about. Well, it USED to take a long time to do that research, but it doesn’t anymore!

jonThe reason why is a software package created by Jon Leger called Instant Article Wizard. This software does all of the research gathering for you – FAST. I can’t explain how powerful this software is as easily as I can SHOW you how powerful it is, so I’ve created two videos that you should watch showing it in action:

(If you’re familiar with the original IAW, you have GOT to see the new version–it blows the old one away!)

A basic overview of how the software works:

Instant Article Wizard

An example of me gathering all of the research for an article (in a subject I know nothing about) in less than 8 minutes:

Instant Article Wizard

Here’s to your success!