Following the Rich Vs. Catering to Them

Everyone wants more, no matter how much they have. The richest people in the world only want to be richer. Even though most people I know have more material possessions then 99% of the human race, there is a drive to always want more. And I’m not just talking about the American dream of owning a home with two cars. I’m talking of becoming a millionaire. More and more people feel one day they’ll be millionaires. Whether from becoming the next American Idol, Oprah’s personal assistant, making it big on Wall Street, or creating the next YouTube!

The reason most people fail is because they try to follow the money. Who’s making money these days? They have a good platform, let’s copy it! It’s like a group of people in the middle of a lighting storm. Everyone goes to where lighting last hit hoping to strike it rich! And no one does their own thing.

I for one would rather sale those people lighting rods. But that’s just me…



Creator of SFB, eBay Stealth and Amazon Ghost at aspkin

¯\_(oo)_/¯ My Recent Works –> eBay Stealth, Amazon Ghost, AutoBlogBook, SixFigureBoss




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