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Old 08-25-2019
Sonhoanggk18 Sonhoanggk18 is offline
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Default temporarily restricted eBay account

I received a letter from eBay notification

"Recently eBay has been contacting sellers who have displayed significant volumes in certain items or categories. The purpose of our contacts are to ensure a safe trading environment for you and the eBay Community, as well as confirm your use of the services meets the guidelines of the eBay User Agreement.

As you may know, eBay is taking a tougher stand to protect the community. Regretfully, in that process, a few honest members may be required to take one or two extra steps. Depending on the situation, we sometimes restrict selling activity, end active items, or suspend accounts until additional information can be verified or obtained. These actions are not necessarily meant to be a reflection of your account’s activity, but rather a preventative measure.

You can review the eBay User Agreement here:


In order to cause the least amount of disruption to your business, eBay has opted not to place any selling limitations or remove any active items from your account at this time. Please understand however, lack of response to this email and its request within a 48 hour timeframe could potentially result in actions against your account.

To resolve this situation and avoid potential action, we need you to verify some information. You can begin the process by uploading or emailing a letter to:

eBay, Attention: PROACT

Upload link: https:

Email address: proactappeals@ebay.com

In your letter, please include the following:

1. The email address and User ID of the account

2. Copies of manufacturer invoices or any other documentation showing your purchase or ownership of items listed for sale. This includes any related documentation from suppliers."

I sent them information many times. but no response from them. please help
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