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Old 04-20-2020
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Default First negative in a decade - how to remove ?

Back in the day responding to a feedback with profanity ... ebay would remove the complete comment.

But I understand they have upgraded their methods and doubt this would work today ?

Can some one tell me how to have a negative remove ?

I sold an item to a foreign buyer. After I dispatched the item they sent a message saying they would like to cancel. I didnt respond to their message.

Fast foward 45 days later I receive a negative from the buyer writing in their language that I refused to cancel their order which was made by mistake.

That's it ...

Buyer still has item and hasn't opened any cases or anything. Just negged me without communication. I have a 30 day money back guarantee on all my listings so would have refunded and I am a top rated seller.

Ebay refused to remove the comment. I hate not having 100%

What angle should I take when asking a different ebay rep to remove it that will lead to a high success ?
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