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Old 09-21-2023
kevacy kevacy is offline
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Default Re: *Free* eBay USA/EU, [High],[UNLIMITED],[Low]>Limits, Proven Winning business modu

~ My Overall Review ~

After working with yobar for the past few weeks, I found the service to be worthwhile so far. I had many concerns at the beginning with the initial deposit, but I decided to yolo it anyways and pay yobar through btc. Although there were some issues with wrong cookies here and there (make sure you check the cookies), yobar was very attentive and communicative. He worked very hard to make sure that the cookies were correct by sending me new ones. Eventually, the cookies worked and I was able to start selling.

After getting through the verification process with ebay's annoying process, yobar was still communicating with me actively in helping me fix it. And yes, he helped me get account approved through the ebay system and I should be set to getting my payments through ebay soon. Other sellers would usually ignore you when it comes to support after they send the account to you. However, yobar was a problem-solver and very helpful when it comes to any ebay issues with the account.

In conclusion, I highly recommend yobar to anyone who sells in mid to high volume. This service is made for the purpose of continuously helping you sell on the ebay platform. With his help, you won't feel alone because he puts good faith into his service. However, I will critique possible problems with privacy. I will be paying him monthly since this service helps me, but other people might have different needs and opinions. Like I said, only recommend this if you want someone to constantly help you through the stealth process 24/7 throughout the service
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enchantedgaea (11-25-2024), yobar (09-22-2023)

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