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Old 05-12-2010
massivesystem massivesystem is offline
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Default Notification of Limited Account Access RXI034

So I have been playing around with one of my stealth accounts to see how Ebay/PP would attack. This Ebay and PP account were created on APR-19-10.I have sold mostly Vero stuff, but other stuff as well. To date I have pulled in over 2,300 in sales. Of course I have payments in PP that are pending with the 21 day hold, but the some have been released per positive feedback from the buyers.
This PP account was created with a VVC all with ⊗⊗⊗⊗ info of course except for the bank account. It is verified. My eBay account was created and linked to the PP account. I did set to pay my fees via the PP account but I always pay for them with VCC.

Today just after other buyers left positive feedback and funds were released I got the following email.

Dear xxxxx,

As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the
PayPal system. During a recent screening, we noticed an issue regarding
your account.
We have observed activity in this account that is unusual or potentially
high risk.
Case ID Number: PP-000-
For your protection, we have limited access to your account until
additional security measures can be completed. We apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause.
To review your account and some or all of the information that PayPal used
to make its decision to limit your account access, please visit the
Resolution Center. If, after reviewing your account information, you seek
further clarification regarding your account access, please contact PayPal
by visiting the Help Center and clicking "Contact Us".
We have also identified activity on your PayPal account involving
transactions from eBay. As an added security measure we have notified eBay
of the current status of your PayPal account and further actions may be
taken on your associated eBay account(s).

They are asking for the following items:
• Confirm Location: We need to confirm that your phone number matches your address
• Confirm Social Security number (or I have the option of Provide proof of Social Security number) ? Options?
• Provide business information Please provide information about your business to help confirm this Business account.
• Provide proof of delivery Please confirm that the merchandise was delivered.
• Provide Invoices
• Supplier Contact Info
• Set credit check address

Note it is only Limited not the sometimes "we don't want to do business with you" that you sometimes may get. There has not been any issues, complaints etc with the Ebay/PP account.

But back to the PP requested items they want, I can confirm the Phone#, address, Provide business information, provide Invoice, and Supplier contacts.

But is there anything I can do to perform the Set credit check address, and Confirm Social Security number To help confirm your identity please add your Social Security number to your PayPal account.

I have in the past just given a Id which passed with no problem, but what about the confirm SS # and Set credit check address?

I welcome your thoughts and will keep all updated

Last edited by massivesystem; 05-12-2010 at 09:50 AM.
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