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Old 08-24-2010
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Default Letter from Ebay for fees

I have been refusing to pay my eBay fees for some time now. The fees are on my original eBay account with my personal details. I have been getting emails for ages but just recently i got a phone call and a letter in the mail. I owe them like $45 AUD. I basically gave that account up for dead but they told me that i could "possible" restore it after i payed the fees. Dont want to any way because the PP i used with it is permanently suspended as well and that needs to be fixed before i can try and get my ebay back. The person on the phone was just trying to get me to pay.

I said in several response emails that i think its wrong for me to have to pay my ebay fees when my account was permanently suspended over selling items from DHgate which is a website pay-pal supports and offers there payment method on. DHgate "apparently" offers a guarantee that there items are authentic! I told them that they should deal with DHgate and that what happened to me is terrible! Oh and because my dad saw the letter he wants me to pay the fees because he thinks it will have an affect on my credit rating??? Is this true? I will prob pay it if it is :(

I am not quite sure what to do about the fees....should i pay them or shouldn't i? I dident think eBay would of cared so much about 45 dollars. There such cheap scum bags.
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