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Old 09-02-2010
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jeffweico jeffweico is offline
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"This could affect your credit rating" is ambiguous. COULD is an operative word. And define "credit rating" - Credit rating with WHOM? With eBay?

I don't know how it works in AU, but here in the US, the credit bureaus do NOT actually RATE anybody's credit. They simply report it. They DO have divisions that provide credit scores, but that is also not the same as a "rating". The fact is that most credit grantors use their own credit rating agencies.

For example, mortgage lenders usually get a score (FICO) from Fair Isaac Corporation, even though Trans-Union, Experian and Equifax all try to sell their own scores.

Thta is like when a collection agency tells you:

If we do not receive your payment by the 15th, we will be forced to take further action.

Many people get worried that this means they will be sued. But define "further action". That could mean another letter, another phone call, or whatever.
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