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Old 10-10-2010
Gladiator Gladiator is offline
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Exclamation Time Warner Cable Issue

I have been using Time Warner Cable Internet now for almost five years. My IP used to change all the time. For the last year or so, I kept the same IP all the time. I called Time Warner and they claimed the problem was because I was using a modem/router combo and because it was wireless, it wouldn't reset. Fine. I went an bought just a modem and a separate wireless router, both of which are Linksys brand. I set them up and called up Time Warner to get the modem to be activated in their system and I received a new IP address.

I have went through all the steps to get a new IP address, including turning it off for a period of time, mac address change, releasing the IP, etc. and not a single thing will get the IP to change. I am not paying for a Static IP and Time Warner claims it should change every few days, but it never does. I left it turned off a full day and that would not even change the address. I can go buy a new modem, but the process of changing the MAC address with Time Warner is tedious and just not worth all the effort since that modem will forever be tied to whatever number they want to give me.

My question is, am I possibly missing something? Is it possible to keep a cable modem and also have DSL from another company? I would like to setup 2-3 more accounts and I don't want to do that until I can get a new ip on a consistent, less hassle free way.
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