I have been selling for over 15 years no problem. Know all of a sudden I can't get a damn thing going. I got off the phone with the rep from ebay and he said that i was linked to another account! BS.He said the items i had listed they do not feel comfortable with ? I said are you kidding me i just pulled up 50 sellers on their selling some of same stuff that i have and I told him my stuff is legit and factory sealed direct from the original manufacturer. So why don't you suspend those people. He said the sellers have been on their for a while. I said Yeah So how do you expect people top sell on the site if they sell the same merchandise .WTF a single seller can't sell or have access to inventory like a big seller BS!
So i got know where. one seller has the exact inventory as me to the t so wtf.
java was not enabled or scripting on these accounts so I think it was that. I have all different ips and i use dialup. any clues..