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Old 03-16-2008
CountChocula CountChocula is offline
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Default Suspended. Need advice.

Just found this forum tonight, looks mighty helpful. I was suspended last night from Ebay due to being linked to a suspended account. First signed up quite a few years ago, bought around 15 things in a couple months without a problem, but lost interest in Ebay for a few years. Found something last year on Ebay, but couldn't remember the old account info and know people who have multiple accounts with no problem, so I quickly signed up for a 2nd account with an email address I never used and won at least three items that day, but didn't pay right away for a reason I can't recall (probably watching other items from same sellers). I had some health issues and other personal matters spring up quickly and Ebay was the furthest thing from my mind. I unfortunately had completely forgotten about those auctions and that account until yesterday's message.

I signed up for a 3rd account early last month, bought over 20 items from over a dozen sellers, paid everything promptly and received positive feedback on everything. So last night the recent account was suspended because of the link. I eventually got around to checking the email address I had used for the first account, and that also received a fresh suspension message yesterday. Since I'd forgotten about the second and didn't realize anything was wrong, I had the same name, address, IP address, etc. for all three. It seems weird that they'd take over a month to link the new account, and that they also link the one I haven't logged into in years at the same time, especially since the banned one was from auctions ending half a year back. I'm tempted to apply for reinstatement and offer to reimburse the sellers I owed money to, but I assume I'd need to apply for reinstatement on 3 accounts, which is too many hoops to jump through, even if Ebay let me.

I've got 2 Paypals, one linked to the 1st name, the other to the 3rd. I wanted to receive payments there for off-Ebay transactions, but am I correct in assuming that's a horrible idea now? My main concernat the moment is 2 items I won on Ebay. I won two lots from a seller who accidentally only sent one. He said a couple days back that he'd forgotten and would send the other. I wasn't home when a package arrived from another seller. Told the post office to to re-deliver, which they haven't, and they claimed they couldn't find the package at the office when I called. I'll swing by tomorrow to see if they have it since I'm now mighty concerned if it gets sent back to the seller. If it does, and also in the case of the first seller, since I'm now banned and no longer have the ability to leave negative feedback, do I have any way of making sure I get my packages? The sellers have a couple hundred positive feedback each, but I'm still reluctant to rely on them outside Ebay's protection, especially if they now see me as a liability. If I don't get the packages in a couple weeks, could I do a Paypal chargeback, or am I just likely to get suspended there as well?
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