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Thread: Just Wanna Rant
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Old 03-05-2012
yaBeh8ater yaBeh8ater is offline
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I think you guys would be jealous if I told you about my mom or dad. Well my dad has the shortest temper in the world. But when he isn't getting ticked off he is a real gentlemanly type of guy. And very professional. He even got to have his pictures taken with former Ohio governmer Ted Strickland just a few months before he left office. Now we have John "The Idiot" Kasich. My dad is also been rated in the top 3 best quality control pros in the state of ohio. Thats why he got to meet with Ted.

Then there is mom. She holds a job at a school that she just transferred to for the 2011-2012 school year. She deals with and takes care of autistic children. I remember her last job review she got all 4's across the board (highest possible rating). So basically there's no better person to take care of autistic children than my mom. My parents are also responsible for introducing me to video games. I got a nintendo back in 1987 and dad was one of the best gamers I have ever known. He beat both zeldas without guides and before the internet was commercialized.

They also give an awful lot. I know I take it for granted and hell, I wish I was a better person but often times I make them hate me because of what I say. I'm just too different than them. Anyways. They bought me a condo, got me my job since I cant find S*** around here, and bought me a car which I only got to pay $100 a month on.
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