My Real PayPal Horror Story! How Paypal almost got me kicked out of university!
So as alot of you know. I was thinking about buying a macbook. after shopping around on my stealth account and the recent split up from my ex. I thought a new computer was in order, not only to keep me up to date with better music productions but also video.
So after shopping arounded i bought a macbook pro i5.
After winning it on ebay, i was delighted to have got it £890. Which to say it had a mouse and was in immaculate condition and only a year old, I didn't think was to bad.
Anyway, so i head off to the bank..make payment, but as it's a new card i had just recieved from my bank, I decided to checkout and just pay, with no paypal email regestration, just make the payment.
after doing this and the payment was complete i recieved a reciept from paypal and the option to create a paypal account, which i decided not to.
so there i was, happy as day that i was going to be the proud owner of a very good macbook pro.
later that night, my friend who works for the university called me. he said mate i need to speak to you and it's important. Knowing this friend a while, i knew it wouldn't be not serious. he told me that someone had complained to my university I had attempted to order a laptop and it had been posted and i hadn't returned it.
i explained that i had recieved no laptop and the only one on order was a macbook from ebay, so I showed my friend the reciept, bank statement and logged onto my email. on my email there was no payment held, no payment problems limitation or refund.issued.
I logged onto ebay..payment made. No problems.
So I'm really like, well it can't be my new macbook, plus it hasn't been delievered right?
so my friend goes off and he puts in a good word with the university for me, saying that basically ive paid for the only laptop i have/will be delievered and hes seen evidence of this.
he comes back to me a hour later after getting off the phone to the university security (who oddly are dealing with this)..he says that the security told him that when my laptops delievered tommorrow it will be held by my university due to 'payment issues'. I was pretty shocked, yet astonished. As i knew i had done nothing wrong, i scrambled my brain thinking what was going on.
i again went onto paypal, ebay. payment complete. payment fine.
no email from the seller, no contact. i presumed everything was fine then.
So my friend tells me a 'woman rang the university and said i ordered a laptop and there was payment issues' and complained to my university that i was a scam artist. i explained to him that the only item I had ordered i'd paid for. so my friend not having much power, said well they will resolve it tommorrow with you.
So this morning 9am, my hotel phone rings (i live in a hotel university accommodation)..i get a call from my uni halls manager..saying can you come downstairs now.very angry and sounded pissed off.
I come downstairs to see the head of the university halls, who i know quite well. she takes me into the office and tells me we had a complaint that you ordered a item off ebay and your card was declined.
i explained to her i have checked paypal, ebay, my email and my bank and theres no problem with the payment.
she tells me that the couple, who were selling the macbook have drivne 5 hours to middlesborough and are outside, so happily take it up with them.
i go outside and approach them, explaining to them i have no idea who they are and what laptop..they tell me 'it's the macbook you paid for' the payments been 'held' and paypal have told us 'a unauthorised credit card without permission' was used and opened in paypal dispute centre so the funds are being held and i'm -£890. i look at a print out the women and man give me. so
i call them into the reception of my accommodation, i explain to them i did pay for the item and i have no idea why or what is going on but I will find out. so i go in hand and get my laptop and telephone. i show the couple my bank statement, email, paypal and ebay where there is no indication of a payment hold or any problems. they tell me 'oh well our ebay looked like that too'..
so i decide to chat to ebay about this. i log onto ebay chat, they tell me to ring paypal. so i use the 020 extension for paypal and ring them from my mobile, quoting the paypal reciept number i had, and kept the phone on loudspeaker with the couple next to me.
as i'm saying this their parcel arrives. I say to them, you sign for it.
so they do. the next thing i'm though to paypal. after explaining to one gentlemen the situation, he put em through to the resolution centre where i speak to another man. After explaining it to him briefly, as i was on hold for 15 minutes he says 'you will have to fax in some id' basically the seller never provided the 'postage information' when requested so we have held the payment. I explained to the guy, my university had told me i'd been declined on a payment and now i was being held responsible, as if i was a scammer or had tried to scam someone. but my side ive been charged, no indication of any limiation. the paypal guy says 'no sir it's not your fault at all' the limitations actually come because straight after payment the sellers tried to withdraw £800+.
So i explain in more detail to to the guy that the sellers have now driven to my university 5 hours and want the macbook back and told my university i'd ordered a item and my card had been declined.
after hearing this, the gentlemen said 'you know what i'll release the funds for you' and i asked him to repeat this. He didn't like that, I've already told you sir!! so i suggest to the couple log onto ebay/paypal..have a look. and magic..theres no limitation..and the payments complete not i ask the couple, why did you not just contact me or ebay/paypal first? instead of going to my university and making me look like a dodgy scammer or some broke person! they were speechless and just said 'well we thought we'd been scammed and we'd tell you but obviously when we are here we can see your a genuine nice guy'. i explained to them that paypal was rubbish and they needed to be careful. and told them, you've given me a bad reputation at university not alone the embarrassment of the whole incident! they left me the macbook pro happily..and after explaining to my halls manager that they had misunderstood and this was all a misunderstanding, my halls manager said 'we know rs, he's a good guy anyway know he wouldn't do that.' - i'm thinking yeah right!!!!!
If i hadn't been decisive enough to make the judgment to investigate or do anything, I'd probably have been in prison right now for something i didn't do!! Or kicked out of university. the couple said they'd also call my halls manager head, but when i called her to explain she's recieved no phonecall. disgust me! but to the sellers too poor call..