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Old 12-10-2012
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Default issue with supplier...how to proceed

I have s supplier that I have used for 3 orders. 1 sample, and the then 2 larger orders. samples order had no issue. for the next order i got a new rep. I stressed to the new rep my orders have to be non branded. when my items came, a handful were name brand items. I raised hell and the supplier said i can 1) ship them back, 2) ship them to another one of their customers in the states or 3) sell them myself. I told them I will ship them back. I told them they need to arrange and handle because i don't want to be put in the situation with these items. Nothing happened to the "they handle it part"

In the meantime, order #3comes and two items are broken. no branding issues. I emaill the rep and she says I can send them back. I say ok and clarify the amount and she tells me the wont pay shipping back. That's on me per them. I tell her that s not acceptable and I accept them to pick up shipping. THats where we are at at the moment?
Note: items purchased in my name to my address?

my ?'s
1) is it normal for overseas suppliers to make the buyer pay for shipping back?

2) Do you all ship to stealth name and address? if so, what would happen in the case i discussed here: http://www.aspkin.com/forums/shippin...e-delay-s.html
..where dhl called for my SS#?

3) I paid with my cc. I am contemplating disputing the charge through my cc and also filing a claim paypal? any good reason to not do other than I probably won't be able to conduct business with this folks in the future.

How would you handle it?
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