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Thread: World of pain!
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Old 01-08-2013
hazy hazy is offline
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Originally Posted by GreenBean™ View Post
Apart from the heat of our summer, I have gone OK. Got told to slow down as I was really overdoing the exercises in the vain hopes of making a paint ball team.

I am lucky that I already knew the surgeon. He had been treating my knees for the past few years. Here's the stupid difference between the countries. He understood that not all patients WANT opiates. But all patients want pain relief. As you know there is a big difference in that little pill you swallow.

It's a load of hogwash that opiates are the only thing. They are merely short-term with potentially long term issues.

Did you end up with any pain relief or a full case of being patronised by a doctor?
Yea the US is in complete denial and wants fast money with less work. They don't care if 17 year olds are injecting OxyContin, which seems to be the fad in my area right now. I know, disgusting!
The doc also told me to just take the one OxyContin he offered me in the ER and he would not write me an Rx, lol good goin doc! That's how you nip it in the bud.

I didn't take any pain meds but finally after much complaining he prescribed me an anti inflammatory.

Did you make the team??
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