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Old 02-01-2013
Sandy D Sandy D is offline
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Originally Posted by Count Chocula View Post

1) Is there a way to change my legit account so it isn't my real info that buyers would see? I don't mind Paypal having my SSN and sending me a 1099, but I really don't feel good selling the digital downloads with my real info.

Why would you do that? Sell non risky items on that one.

2) For my ⊗⊗⊗⊗ account, the Ebay account seems in very good standing. Would there be a way to create or buy a new Paypal account and swap that in there while I work on creating a 2nd Stealth account to spread the payments around on? Just this week my Ebay limits went up, meanwhile my Paypal looks in danger.

3) I've thought of buying some of the sellers accounts, but what happens with the fact they created it with an IP and address from an area of the country I'm not in? Once I start using, does that attract suspicion?

What are you saying? your flag is showing the USA. Are you in the USA? We have sellers here who sell in your country pretty much everywhere if you are not in the USA as your flag shows. If you are we have several sellers of USA accounts.

BTW both accounts have 100% feedback and I keep my buyers really happy.

Thanks for any advice you can offer.

Leave the real account alone and use it to sell good items or let it sit until you can.

Have several stealths over time and spread your sales. Mixing and matching pps is risky.

If I understand correctly you are getting request for SSN on the new account already and its Feb? If so that account is toast. You must have sold a lot of items ( what was your limits ) in one month or sold risky stuff to get this.

Last edited by Sandy D; 02-01-2013 at 07:12 PM.
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