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Old 07-11-2013
krizty krizty is offline
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Default problem to the payment gateway from eb a/c

I am not sure everyone who use merchant account have the same problem as I Do. I entered transaction key and api login to my ebay and site preference indicated my credit card paymet option is active.

Then I test transaction, click on buy it now then pay now and lead to the page request of mailing address and credit card information. Once I click pay now (confirmation) then ebay pop up error said cannot proceed the order and contact ebay for assistant.

I call ebay and told them issue, either me or ebay test few times still happen. It notice the order cannot proceed but my authorize.net can see the payment approved. It seems like ebay system error but few representatives cant figure out the reason.

Does any have experience with similar issue happen?
If I am using gateway and merchant account, is that means, ebay system will not updated the status of the order atomically because authorize.net and ebay don't share information. I have to mark the payment received on myself?

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