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Old 03-07-2014
yc1212 yc1212 is offline
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Default Re: Can I use my company name as "Bank Account Holder Name" on Amazon?

When I first set this up, it was pretty confusing, and I hope I can help to make it easy. This is the procedure I've used to set up my stealth account for my business. With this method, you can pay your taxes under your LLC.

1) Go get a New/different mailing address. You can get the mail box address from a mail box rental, P.O. box, or UPS (But you said UPS mail do not work). I got the mailbox from a mail box rental place can they've gave me a mail box number.

2) Go form a LLC under the same address you've got from your new address/mail box.

3) Go get a BUSINESS BANK ACCOUNT under your LLC, and use the same address from your mail box. If you show the business/LLC certificate, and it matches the same address from your mail box, the bank will allow you to use the same address from your mail box regardless where you get the mailbox.

4) When your new stealth account holds up, you want to change your setting this way:
a) Business Address: Use same address from your new maibox, and your business license/certificate
b) Legal Name: Use your business name/LLC
c) Place of Established Address: Use same address from your new maibox, and your business license/certificate
d) Tax identification information: Use your business EIN

Advantage of using this method, you are setting up your Amazon Stealth account as legal business account. You can pay taxes under your business name, and Amazon will deposit the funds from your bank account under your business name, NOT some random stealth names, so your bank account will not look suspicious at all.

Also, you can receive mails, if you need to get returns packages from your customers or for anything else.

Disadvantage of this method is if you account gets linked, you have to close all your accounts (Mail box, business bank account, business license/certificate), and set it up all over again from the beginning

So try to make it right the first time, and do not get your account linked.

I hope it helps, and please let me know if you have any more questions.
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