Dsr rating update oct 21,
Full story can be found here with paperless payments. October 2008 DSR UPDATE
"Seller Standards: new policy requires minimum DSRs to list on eBay
I also want to remind you that the new Seller Standards policy is going into effect on November 3. We will begin enforcement of this policy as follows: Sellers with one or more Detailed Seller Rating (DSR) below 4.1 will be restricted from listing. Sellers with a DSR between 4.1 and 4.3 will be allowed to list, but their listings may be subject to further demotion in search results. See best practices for improving your DSRs.
These policies will go a long way to help all eBay members buy and sell with confidence, and we thank you for your support.
Dinesh Lathi
Vice President, Seller Experience"
Last edited by BooMer; 10-21-2008 at 12:06 PM.