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Old 04-12-2015
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jeffweico jeffweico is offline
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Default Re: HELP!!!! VERO & New Items

If your items are genuine but your listing was removed, you have nothing to lose by contacting the rights owner through the VERO program.

Either they will give you their blessing and allow you to sell their items, or they will refuse. Obviously, the preferred outcome is to get their blessing. But even if they refuse, then at least you know that the VERO member does not want their products sold on eBay and you can avoid any of their items in the future. And if you DO get their blessing, then eBay is not likely to bother you about selling their items anymore.

Yes, the first sale doctrine should apply and we should be able to sell anything we want as long as it is genuine. But the reality is, eBay simply does not work that way. It is their website and they can do whatever they want. Just because the first sale doctrine gives you the legal right to re-sell your legally purchased, genuine item does not mean that eBay must allow you to sell it. We are playing in THEIR sandbox, so they get to make the rules.

Last edited by jeffweico; 04-12-2015 at 03:03 AM.
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