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Old 01-08-2016
gooz gooz is offline
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Unhappy Heyall *HELP WITH %#@$ DHL HELL..."

I've just moved to Cyprus where the customs open and damage items like there ain't no tomorrow.

Anyhoo I got a bag from some Chinese auction website, claimed to be never used and new with all the packaging and it was legit like comes from receipt and all and I thought I'll save much self money I'll get it and they'll DHL it, I was used to it the UK way, 5 years of dealing with websites like that, all DHL never had a single problem and never paid a penny for tax or anything.

So now the tracking is being weird. I read a lot about DHL which freaked me out and I didn't even sleep last night. It was supposed to arrive today but hey no chance. I asked the seller to declare it as gift and she not only did so but then wrote SHOES as for it's description...

Here is goes:

16. Departed Facility in LARNACA - CYPRUS LARNACA - CYPRUS 19:53

15. Processed at LARNACA - CYPRUS LARNACA - CYPRUS 19:44

14. Processed for clearance at LARNACA - CYPRUS LARNACA - CYPRUS

13. Clearance event LARNACA - CYPRUS 13:50
Further Details - Shipment entry is being corrected to reflect the correct arrival movement.
Next Steps - Amended entry will be submitted and processed as normal. A DHL representative shall attempt to contact the importer or shipper if required

12. Customs status updated LARNACA - CYPRUS 12:38
Further Details - Shipment has been given a release by Customs.
Next Steps - Unless there is an adhoc exam or a stop by another regulatory authority the shipment will proceed to delivery

11. Departed Facility in ATHENS - GREECE ATHENS - GREECE 10:20

10. Transferred through ATHENS - GREECE ATHENS - GREECE 10:18

So my question is what on earth is gonna happen?
Why did DHL sent me e-mails for Clearance Event and nothing after?
Why did the package then "Processed for clearance" and then "Departed Facility"? Is that something positive?

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