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Old 03-04-2009
planes planes is offline
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Default PROVEN way to change IP!!

OK guys! I have found a great way to change your IP.

First, my purpose here is to help people get back onto eBay for the purpose of selling again. Not for doing anything shady.
I assume(which might not be smart) that everyone here just wants to get back onto eBay to start selling again and conducts their business professionally and ethically.

OK. Now that I signed everyones waiver. Here ya go.

Most ISPs give a dynamic IP. Even though it won't change with a release and renew, it is dynamic.

Here is why. For example, Comc@st gives you an IP right? Well did you know that it is only issued for a week? Thats right!

AS an example, my IP license ends tomorrow at around 9:30AM, then starts again for a week and ends again in a week. This goes on Ad infinitum.

One theory is if you unplug your cable modem the night before the IP ends and leave it off, and then maybe wait an hour or two after, you get a new IP.

OK? that is an untried theory which I haven't tried but if you go into your ipconfig,(Just type that into the run command which you can find from your start menu)you will see your IPs release date. At least this is the case with Comc@st.

I am just giving you some background and understanding as to why its really a dynamic address.

OK? now the meat of this topic.

You need one piece of software called. SMAC 2.0. It costs 20$. A small price to pay as you will soon see. You can download the trial version with a one time usage.

This software is in PC worlds top 100 software and is pretty well known. Major corporations use SMAC all the time.

What it does is change your NICs or should I say spoofs your NICs MAC address.

Here is what I did.

I used this software to spoof my NICs Mac address which it did and then unplugged the coaxial from my modem for about an hour and a half. Don't worry about the time as I unplugged it over dinner.

I now have a different IP. I even did a release renew and still had the new IP.

And it is a completely different IP. Not even close to my earlier one.

SO there you go!

This thread may need to be moved to member only, so please do if you like.
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