iPhone 3G

Eight hours in line to get the iPhone 3G and I couldn’t even register it until later in the day. Apparently all their servers were down; even iPod sync was having issues. It was okay though because I was very tired and just went to bed after my purchase. Later in the day I had no problems setting things up.

iphone line

It came in a spiffy Box…

iphone 3g

My Black iPhone 3G trying to Sync

iphone3g connected

It’s a very nice phone, I like it a lot. It makes it easy to stay connected to my websites and check email. And I like the Wifi feature it has, I can connect to local routers for even faster downloads. It’s pretty fast with 3G also. This is my first iPhone so I’m still figuring everything out, but so far so good!

Highly recommended!



Creator of SFB, eBay Stealth and Amazon Ghost at aspkin

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