I think you probably know that article writing is an outstanding way to generate traffic to your site, both from article directories and from the links the articles provide which help your search engine rankings.
I’ve done case studies in the past that demonstrated how easy it was to generate hundreds of unique visitors in just a couple of weeks by writing a few articles and submitting them to just 3 of the big article sites.
The problem with writing articles isn’t the actual writing — that’s the easy part — it’s the research. It takes a long time to research articles, especially if you’re not already familiar with the subject that you’re wanting to write about. Well, it USED to take a long time to do that research, but it doesn’t anymore!
The reason why is a software package created by Jon Leger called Instant Article Wizard. This software does all of the research gathering for you – FAST. I can’t explain how powerful this software is as easily as I can SHOW you how powerful it is, so I’ve created two videos that you should watch showing it in action:
(If you’re familiar with the original IAW, you have GOT to see the new version–it blows the old one away!)
A basic overview of how the software works:
An example of me gathering all of the research for an article (in a subject I know nothing about) in less than 8 minutes:
Here’s to your success!
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