Matt Cutts is an interesting guy. He’s a Google software engineer and currently heads their Webspam team. His blog Matt Cutts is quite popular because of his insights into how Google ranking works.
I’ve been following his site for about a year now, and there are a couple things I really like about his blog. For one, he’s been known to give helpful advice about Google. Just recently with Google’s latest Page Rank update, he gave insight into Text Link penalties. Basically if you sell text links ads to manipulate Page Rank, Google’s going to slap your site in rankings. I also like his random quirky post. Just recently he updated his current Halloween situation.
Here’s his 2007 Halloween custom: The T-shirt is hand-made with an iron-on. The only thing you’re not seeing is his tail in the back, and the back of the shirt says “K THX BYE.†He’s a freaking cat!
In 2006 he decided he wanted to go as a search engine. What’s better to be then Zombie Jeeves:
He wanted to be Silent Bob… but decided against it. Personally I liked Silient Bob better:
In 2005 he picked up the blade of the six-fingered man to become Inigo Montoya:
Then in 2003, he colored his hair and went as punk rock Matt:
Sometime in 2000 or 2001, he went as Google’s chef Charlie (the one who once cooked for the Grateful Dead):
It’s been interesting following Matt Cutts Halloween post. I can’t wait to see what he’s going to do next year!
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