New Poker Strategy Working?

If you’ve read any of my previous Poker post, you would see I have been having ups and down with the game. I Recently moved to Las Vegas to try my luck at Professional Poker. Right now I’m considered a Semi-Pro because I have a working job, and play Poker part time. My new strategy involves the the Pro look. Before I would walk in the poker room looking like a Vegas tourist, and I’m sure other players would think of me as a Donkey, a weak player. I consider my self a tight player, which is bad if there are a lot of aggressive players out there. Usually the aggressive player has all the money, but sometimes they get caught. Anyways, the pro look, what is the pro look?

Some go for the Cowboy Jesus look:

Chris Fergusion

Some show you the Poker stare:

Poker Stare

Others Just Play in what they woke up with:


So what I did was combine the Cowboy look, with the Poker stare and just woke up let’s put on some gold chains look into:


(Yes I suck at Photoshop)

And you know what? It seems to be working for me. No I don’t look like the above, but I have dressed more professional and I got a new pair of spiffy sunglasses. I’ve yet to lose the past week!

So is it all in the Look? I don’t know, but for me it’s been working, let’s see how long it last. 🙂



Creator of SFB, eBay Stealth and Amazon Ghost at aspkin

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