Website Organization is KEY and WordPress!

If you are ever expected to handle a huge task of creating, marketing and monetizing 40+ websites, you’re in a world of hurt if you aren’t organized!

First off using a solid FTP and website editing software is key! I personally use GlobalSCAPE – CuteFTP and Macromedia Dreamweavier to handle all my websites, which now total around 50 including this one. This website is built using WordPress, which I’ve come to love! WordPress is simply the most powerful free CMS out there with an endless supply of useful plugins!

The good thing about WordPress websites are if you have the right tools, you’ll be able to set it and forget it. You can schedule new articles to post days, weeks, months or even years ahead of time. Using the right software can fully automate your CMS needs. That’s why most of my websites are WordPress blogs, if I had the choice all of my sites would be.

Well that’s it, just thought I would post something while waiting for a CuteFTP to finish uploading some files.




Creator of SFB, eBay Stealth and Amazon Ghost at aspkin

¯\_(oo)_/¯ My Recent Works –> eBay Stealth, Amazon Ghost, AutoBlogBook, SixFigureBoss




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2 Comments on "Website Organization is KEY and WordPress!"

Ron Starc
Ron Starc

FTP Manager Lite is an excellent modern free FTP and SFTP client software. The clean interface is super easy to use.


Hey, thanks. The more options alternatives the better. Cheers!
