I spent a couple hours with my personal trainer yesterday, and man today I’m sore! It’s an overall type of sore, mostly upper body as that’s what I was working-out yesterday. We did mostly stabilizer ball exercises, which works a lot more muscles while doing an exercise. It was tough! I wanted to go to the gym today as well, but forget that! I think I’m going to hit a movie and work on some websites.
By the way, I finally finished creating all my websites; I now have a total of 75 websites, 60 of which are blogs like this one. Fifty blogs are specifically for generating traffic for my main selling sites. The other 10 are random personal blogs and friend’s blogs I’m working on. The other 15 sites are a mix of personal projects and sites specific for my business. I’m in the works on creating two new websites, one a major forum for MMORPG’s and the other a kind of affiliate site for my business.
Right now I’m working on maintaining these recent sites I created, I have to fine tune their ads and links with their specific topics and design. They’re 75% there, I just need to another week and they’ll be perfect! And then all I have to do is maintain their content which I have software that helps me do that. 🙂 I’ll talk more about the software I use when I have more time to write reviews for them.
Other then that, I’m trying to speed as much time in the eBay Suspension forum as I can as well as thinking about the next few hectic months I’ll be having. I have to drive to California, pick up a car of mine, drive it back, fix it and then sell it. Then a week after I come back from California I have to go to Georgia to help my sister move back to Texas. And then I’m going to buy a house! All this within 2-3 months! I’m really happy I have Modee, a great Admin to the forums and other moderators to my new eBay suspension forum. You guys are great! This is the first forum I’ve created, so it’s a kind of practice one before I have to create my monster MMORPG forum in a couple weeks. Thanks guys, long live eBay?!
In about a week’s time, when my blog sites are done tweaking, I’ll start marketing overall to all my sites, mostly from back links from high ranking websites. This will increase Google spiders and pages will start to be indexed more quickly, this includes the eBay forum. Once that happens, be ready to see an increase of visitors!
That’s the plan and I’m sticking to it!
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