Second Amazon account
I registred a First seller central account with a Spanih company and has been accepted 5 years ago
After 5 year the passeport has been renewed and the "passeport number has been changed " and also the name doesn't match exactly as in the first passeport there was a missing letter made by the givernment so the passeport owner now has corrected the name on his new passeport having a smiliar name but with a simple diffrence then the old passeport also a new image on the new passeport ². Also he has registred a new company in the Uk and wants now to have a second seller central account using his new company and his new passeport also he will use a new residential adresse 100% diffrent then the first account UK instead of spain)
In this case will amazon detect that and trigger verfication? Since it's another company with
-another businesse name -
-another adresse
-another credit card -
another email
-Diffrent passepot numbers
-another laptop
My concern as in the old passepot and the new passeport amazon will maybe check the date of birth ? and match them even if the names doesn't match
Experts what do you think in this case?