My account has been suspended for over 6 months now and every time i try making a new one it just gets blocked even after i purchased Hide My ass the IP hider.
What can someone help me out so with a new verified account and a way not to get blocked?
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!
you have found THE PLACE to hepl you out but... you shall read the forum, see what is going on and possibly get the stealth guide.
Everything will be more clear to you after a good reading....
Then, ask questions.
Lot of helpful people around to help you solve your issues.
Buona fortuna.
Last edited by ilcarletto; 07-21-2014 at 06:32 AM.
My account has been suspended for over 6 months now and every time i try making a new one it just gets blocked even after i purchased Hide My ass the IP hider.
What can someone help me out so with a new verified account and a way not to get blocked?
Ok so what's the best provider to hide my ip. I'm not good at this stuff also I would like to know if it's possible to buy a new eBay and verified PayPal?
As this would be much easier.
Thanks for your help guys eBay is really starting to piss me off lol.