Limited after just 5 items totaling 500 dollars - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 09-08-2017
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Default Limited after just 5 items totaling 500 dollars

Ebay and paypal account about a year old. Listed an item a year ago.
2 months ago, listed common items like blender vacuum, etc. Totalling maybe 500 dollars. Paypal is confirmed up to 500 dollars. No bank accoutn attached. I just used it to pay my inventory supplier a couple times

Today, an item sold for 199.00 The person paid and as soon as that happened, paypal limited me. Email said SIGNIFICANT CHANGES in selling tiems. I only sold 5 items in 2 months.
Can only refund and recieve money.

They want ID, SSN, address, invoices.

Im like WTF, you cant ask me for SSN. If I wanted that, Id get a business acount.

I cant provide ID or SSN. Anyone else get this recently? Ive noticed Paypal is cracking down on everything, even legit accounts.

Thinking I might just call them tomorrow and let them know they cant legally ask for SSN especially when Im only at 500 dollar total mark. Plus my ebay is 100 percent
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Old 09-09-2017
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Default Re: Limited after just 5 items totaling 500 dollars

And this is an Australian Ebay/PP?
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