How the??? do I get an answer from PayPal? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 09-25-2017
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Angry How the??? do I get an answer from PayPal?

I have been a PayPal Australia registered user for years, I had occasion recently to send a message to them about my account.
The options for doing that are very limited and did not cover what I wanted to talk to them about so I chose the closest subject.
I got an e-mail on 23rd September 2017 saying they had replied to my message and to visit the Secure Message Centre - which I did.
But there is no message in my Inbox!
I can see a copy of the message I sent them in my Sent box but nothing in the Inbox.

I sent them another message saying I could not see any message and received a similar e-mail on 24th September.
Once again, there is nothing in my Inbox!!

I have tried Safari, Google and Firefox browsers, all with the same result - no message in my Inbox.
I have searched high and low for any other method of contacting PayPal and there is NONE!
So how do I get it through to their thick heads that their web site is total rubbish?
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Old 09-25-2017
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Default Re: How the??? do I get an answer from PayPal?

Tried calling them? I know it's nuts but it may work.
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Old 09-28-2017
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Default Re: How the??? do I get an answer from PayPal?

Welcome to the forums - all the best as you master stealth
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