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Australia eBay & Paypal General discussions about Suspensions and limited accounts. This forum is geared towards AU.

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Old 04-24-2020
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Default Managing Multiple Stealth Accounts

So, just want to ask how people are managing their stealth accounts and succeeding with their current stategies cos I would like some tips on the following:

1) Am I able to have multiple Paypal accounts in the same name? Tips on stealth names if I am able to have a different option would also be greatly appreciated

2) Is it possible to link each one of these accounts to a different eBay Stealth account and not have issues if one ebay account experiences any difficulties as long as I use a different IP etc?

3) How do you verify mutiple ebay accounts to a different number? Like, do I need to have mutiple phones. mutiples sim cards or both?

4) With addresses, if a buyer wants to return an item to you how can it be returned if you've already used that address on another account? And with this one I'm looking at if you set up your primary address as XXX and your return address as ZZZ, could you use the return address on the other stealth account?

Thanks for the help in advance
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Old 04-24-2020
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Default Re: Managing Multiple Stealth Accounts

1) Once You pass a treshold , they will ask for ID , so why not create legit Paypal?
2) Link as in Linking to pay ebay fess OR Linking when creating Listing ? the later is safe to use in whatever combinations possible
3) Yes 1 Ebay = 1 SIM
4) You can use variations for Spelling an adress, or use Post Boxes
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asot (04-25-2020)
Old 04-25-2020
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Default Re: Managing Multiple Stealth Accounts

1) For example say you have 5 legit PP accounts created (different numbers, IP's etc, same name though as on your ID) they're all pass or are approaching the threshold. Would PP delete any of these accounts and take the funds from them for having more than 1 account created? Cos isn't one of PP's rules you can't have more than 1 account?

I probs should've been more specific in where I was going here haha soz.

2) With this one I mean so if I've got 3 different PP's linked to 3 different ebay's. One has problems with it, will ebay then be able to cause the other 2 accounts to have the same problems since the PP's are in the same name? Or will they be unaffected?

3) Thank you <333

4) Can you please give an example on this one? One issue I'd like to ask about is can I provide the same return address on one account as another?

So say for example:

Account 1: I set my primary address as 123 on the account, the return address is XXX.

Account 2: I set my primary address as 456 on the account and the return address is XXX the same as account 1.

Would this cause a link between the accounts?

Appreciate your help
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