I just wanted to let other prospective Canadian purchasers of the eBay Stealth ebook know that there is adequate Canadian information in the ebook to justify it's purchase.
I was a little worried, before I purchased, that there would not be the necessary Canadian specific info to assist me on getting back on Fleebay. I'm only half-way through it, right now, and I can already tell it'll be well worth it.
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!
Bought the book! Its gr8. eBay and Paypal are unfair--heck- you can get your suspended driver license or even get parole after a serious crime, but paypal and eBay--aargh...
Hopefully, the ebook you purchased was the eBay Stealth 2.0 ebook. If you purchased or downloaded one that is older, you'll need to purchase the new one.
The ebook is a great resource starting point, but you'll want to continue to browse the forum for the most up-to-date information - as eBay and Paypal change their policies and procedures (what seems like) daily.
I too am from Canada and purchased the book back in the spring... I found it to be very useful even though there are some us specific info. Keep this forum active if you can as I plan to with eBay Canada specific inquiries.