Is it too risky to list 500 items a month after open the shop for 3 months
I have open the new shop since december 2008. Start selling since end of Jan 2009. Now I have got 30+ feedbacks by selling personal stuff.
Is it too risky if I start listing about 50 items a day until I will have 500+ listing this month. Then I will list the same amount next month and so on.
Is it too early to list this amount of listing at month 3? or Should I start 100 listings this month then 200 , 300, 400 ....???
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I have a mom account, same address. Been selling personal items, no prob, have SS confirmed PayPal address and can do ID Verify, would it be too risky to sell 50+ items per day?
I've been selling on this one since January, and had this account since August.
bobrob that is a lot less risk then cityparks account. Since you are using real info, you should be able to get back on after you provide the requested info, if you get suspended.
When you say same address, is that same address as suspended account? Does that mean my "former" spouse can open an ebay account at the suspended address? If ther person is truly different, but address is the same does that work?
When you say same address, is that same address as suspended account?
I live with my mom. I waited a little more than half a year to open up an account on her name, after it, it felt super hairy, I was afraid to list anything. I waited, since August, till January, now I list a little by little, personal stuff, I have about 30 fb. So far so good, lol.