Help with getting bank account for managed payments
Hey guys, have some questions about opening a new bank account to add to managed payments when I sign up. The account is for a 6yr old ebay account under my moms info(with permission) since the bank linked to Paypal is my own and obviously the names wont match.
1. Can I open a bank account using my mailbox rental that has a physical address (ie: 123 ⊗⊗⊗⊗ St #111)? If not, and I need a residential address, does ebay see the address on file of the bank since me (being banned of course), lives at the same address?
-Basically I dont want ebay to see my real address, and I use the rental for business, especially when it comes time to send in a bank statement for proof of ownership.
2. Would it pose a problem when I fund the bank account with an opening deposit and it shows me as the one making the deposit on the statement?
Any recommendations for a good bank that requires little info and no opening deposit would be awesome. I was considering Chime or Simple.