dish1500, Welcome to the forum. Take a big deep breath and calm down. You need to really
change what you are doing to get back on ebay. I really recommend that you buy this eBay Stealth - Suspended eBay and Paypal Account Guide
This is the definitive guide to how to get back on ebay after suspension. Don't make any
more accounts YET. WAIT,READ and see what you need to do,OK.
Make a plan after you have read the book. The answers are there: AND they WORK.
If you do not mind though, tell us what country you are in.... different answers for different places. Good Luck
__________________ REAP WHAT YOU SOW. LIFE IS SO NOT FAIR.
ehh thats what gmail, msn, yahoo is for. Most of the time your probably just going to bothered with a bunch of newbies asking the same question without reading.