UK EBAY - Getting charged 30p each time i replenish stock on a variation listing!
Hi guys,
I have over 900 listings usually with 2 or 3 variations of that product in the same listing. Due to my limits I normally keep those listings with a volume/quantity of '1' - so when i sell an item i go into the listing and replenish the stock from 0 to 1 ive found that i'm getting charged 30p each time but it doesnt happen everytime?
I know that if an item totally sells out and you click re-list it charges the listing fee again but should I be charged anything for simply adding more stock to a listing that is active.
I can only assume the 30p is for any listings that I offer international visibility because thats how much it costs when I create a new listing to list internationally.
So to simplify things if i replenish stock on one of the variations in a variation listing why am I getting charged when the product hasnt run out?