Jet Blue Joins Ebay Now Sells Tickets Over Ebay - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 09-08-2008
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Default Jet Blue Joins Ebay Now Sells Tickets Over Ebay

JetBlue Airways Corp. was planning to sell 300 round-trip tickets on eBay last night - including 69 departures from Boston - making it the first airline to auction off seats online in an attempt to promote its business.

Previously, some carriers sold seats on eBay to raise money for charity, but JetBlue is using the world's largest Internet marketplace to seek higher revenue during a typically sluggish period.

"Fall is typically a slower travel period for customers. As summer comes to an end, they reign in travel plans," said spokeswoman Alison Eshelman. "By auctioning flights, we're giving customers a flexible and affordable way to get weekend deals."

The bidding for each round-trip flight, from Boston and more than 20 other cities, was scheduled to open at 5 or 10 cents. Each auction will last for three, five, or seven days, with all of them concluding by Sunday.

The auctions can be found at JetBlue | JetBlue lands on eBay. Taxes and fees are additional and will vary according to the route. Bidders will need a PayPal account.

All of the flights will depart on a Thursday or Friday and return on a Sunday or Monday, with the last one landing on Oct. 6.

JetBlue also planned to offer six vacation packages that include airfare and hotel stays in Las Vegas and other places.

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Old 09-08-2008
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I can say alot of things that can be done here but i wont.
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Old 09-08-2008
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And the first company makes their debut...

And what a wonderful upstanding company they are.
How many stories have I read on about them stranding passengers at airports?
The latest story was about a fist fight that broke out onboard a flight between 2 brothers.
The plane was going from Boston to Florida somewhere I think.
They had to make a emergency landing in NC I think.
What a joke of a airline.... I would NEVER fly on any of their planes, for any price.
Once you go Mac you will never go back
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