Any people from Poland here? - About Stealth and Taxes - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 08-21-2024
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Question Any people from Poland here? - About Stealth and Taxes

Sooo.. I can see a lot about the other EU countries or US, and there is usually something like an IRS number that can be attached to your stealth (in the US), and nobody cares about your mismatching info on paypal (or on paypal withdrawal under your bank statement), all IRS cares about is someone declared and paid their taxes, and its mostly connected automatically by the system, name details be damned. Ive even read a comment by IRS employee that stated so. But...

polish paypal does not have anything like that and I have no idea how the matters of taxes look like? Anyone from Poland have any experiences? What will happen is that polish IRS may want to see some documents from Paypal, if worse come to pass, like eventual inspection, and what then? These money in Mikey Mouse and Goofys name connected to my legal names bank account... but there is really no other way to get this done and I need Paypal... plus I use friends and family too, which proves to be less bans (and less buyers who cheat too), in my case, but then not sure what with taxes and how it might be qualified for best safe effect

I wanted to contact a tax advisor, a professional, but Im a bit afraid they will have no idea what stealth paypal is... Its Poland, not US... so I wonder if there are any Poles here who have been through it? Or maybe you are not from Poland but been in similar situation?
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Old 08-24-2024
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Default Re: Any people from Poland here? - About Stealth and Taxes

Welcome to the forum OP - all the best as you master stealth

Swietnie, ze tu jestes

Hopefully you'll find the help you need on the forum otherwise, yes, you will need a financial professional in Poland
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