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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards eBay.com.

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Old 09-03-2007
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Question Want two separate accts on ebay. Help

I all ready have an acct on ebay which I decided I would like to only pay for purchases and open another one strictly for selling. I have a few questions though.

1) I don't want either one to be linked together and I understand you have to have seperate IP addresses. I have a laptop which connects to other servers. Does this mean I shouldn't have to worry about an IP address?

2) When I go to the ebay website-my username is all ready in the box and all I have to put in is my password. Does this mean it is under the same IP address every time I go their website?

3) I need to open another email address for paypal, but can I have my old and new email address on paypal without any problems?

4). What if one becomes suspended and I have both emails on my paypal acct?

5). Can I go back/forth on same computer to check/send seperate accts without any way to link the two?
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Old 09-03-2007
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They're already linked by cookies, and email addresses on PayPal, so too late.

Why don't you want them to be linked? It's perfectly alright to have separate buying and selling accounts on ebay. The only reason not to want them to be linked is if you plan on scamming people or otherwise purposely violating policies. You wouldn't be planning on doing that, would you?
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Old 09-03-2007
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Originally Posted by tcho View Post
The only reason not to want them to be linked is if you plan on scamming people or otherwise purposely violating policies.
Be ready to take some flak from other forum members on that statement. Most of us have several accounts without wanting them linked for the reason that if eBay shuts one account down, for no legit reason, we can still sell on the other accounts.

Not everyone is a scammer, in fact most of the people that get shut down are not scammers.
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Old 09-15-2007
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I'm seriously curious about tcho dude.. he's been that way forever... are you really in S & T department. if you are not, what do you do here... not giving us any feedbacks but kepting saying violating Feebay RULES or whatsoever..
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Old 09-15-2007
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Originally Posted by tcho View Post
They're already linked by cookies, and email addresses on PayPal, so too late.

Why don't you want them to be linked? It's perfectly alright to have separate buying and selling accounts on ebay. The only reason not to want them to be linked is if you plan on scamming people or otherwise purposely violating policies. You wouldn't be planning on doing that, would you?
C'mon, be real. And there isn't a single innocent person sitting in a cell anywhere in the US
How many millions of users are there on EB? Certainly more than there are people incarcerated and people are getting freed everyday due to being wrongly convicted. I don't want to equate being locked up with being keep out of the exclusive club known as ebay, just want to illustrate a point that everyone makes mistakes. Yes even ebay!

EB has never kicked someone off because of an EB mistake with tens of millions of accounts.
Are you saying that the following could never happen?

I am a new user and sell a certain item, several of them a week and it is a 100% legal and allowable item.
Someone else sees this and has access to the same item and starts listing it in a very similar manner based upon their observation of the success that I have had.
That other person get a claim against them for one of those items and eventually gets banned. Maybe for trying to sell a different item which was VeRO'd
EB examines his activity and notices that there is another user (in this case me) selling the same item and, hmmm, the listings look very sinilar (because he patterend his off of mine)...and well, no sense taking any chances, we'll ban the other guy (me) too
I would bet the farm that users are banned everyday for this type of witch hunt "association".

So don't imply that the only reason that people want a second account is to scam
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Old 09-15-2007
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I understand people who've been 'unfairly' suspended may want to have a forum like this for coming back. I don't deny that 'some' accounts are unfairly suspended (although no where near as much as what people here claim), but whatever to that.

My only issue here is someone who presumably has no other suspended accounts, and wants to make two accounts which are completely not linked to each other. I suppose there are two reasons to be paranoid about a possible suspension, if you've never had any other accounts suspended. The first, because you've read ebay suspends a lot of accounts and are worried you'll be included in the so-called "witch hunt". Or more likely that you're planning on selling ⊗⊗⊗⊗ or ripping off people and you want to have a second account so you can continue without a hitch, or maybe just have your own 'legit' account.

It's perfectly alright to have multiple accounts (which aren't suspended). It just raises flags when someone comes in and wants to create two brand new accounts which aren't linked at all. You can't say that doesn't sound the least bit fishy.
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Old 09-15-2007
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I think that if EB and PP were concerned about people getting ripped off they would be of more help when a buyer files a claim or how about in my case where PP just arbitrarliy decided me to provide proof of shipping on several items of less than a total of $25? I had to send out duplicates with DC just to prove the items were shipped even though no claims were files against me and 2/3 of the buyers informed me that the orginal had already arrived. EB could have confirmed to PP that those particulat buyers left FB that their items arrived.

What both PP and EB do is akin to cops setting up a road block trying to get drunk drivers and one guy who is totally sober gets pulled over only to find that his kid got a parking ticket that went unpaid, dad never found out and DOT suspended his registration and now dad gets nailed for a $150 ticket because junior didn't pay a $5 parking fine.
At least in this case dad gets to go before a judge and not a bot sending out boilerplate responses
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Old 09-15-2007
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I completely agree with you Modee. There are many legitimate reasons to have multiple active accounts. I would never say there's anything wrong with having multiple active accounts as it's even sometimes encouraged by ebay (separate buying/selling accounts have advantages, same with the example you gave of high/low end items).

I just think it's pretty fishy for someone to want to create two active accounts which are completely not linked to each other. It didn't sound like the op had any older accounts which are suspended already. To me this sounds like the op is planning to do something which they know is going to get them flagged and suspended, and they want to have the other account ready to go. Or it could be that they want to shill bid. Maybe they're just *that* paranoid about being "unfairly" suspended, but to me, if someone who has no prior problems and is trying to create multiple active accounts which are not linked at all points to some kind of unethical use of those accounts.
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Old 09-15-2007
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Maybe they're just *that* paranoid about being "unfairly" suspended, but to me, if someone who has no prior problems and is trying to create multiple active accounts which are not linked at all points to some kind of unethical use of those accounts.

Well anyone who has read any number of posts here has good reason to be paranoid
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Old 09-15-2007
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I had 4 accounts, all linked. 1- selling high end, 1- all ink pens, 1- catering business/food service equip, 1- misc. When they took down the main acct, it had 2700+ pos fb, -0- negs, they took down all 4 accts. (that were linked)- I emailed Meg @ ebay.com, got a response from a person who said they are sticking by their decision to suspend all 4 accts. BTW- the accts were 5+ yrs old, 4, 3, & 2 yrs old. all power seller accts. SO, they will take them all down...
about 30 minutes later, paypal limited, then in a subsequent email Closed both 7 yr old paypal accts- never 1 chargeback, never open disputes. I believe I had competitors writing in, had my Power seller account manager a female, write several letters & even called T&S on my behalf, said she was real sorry, but they wouldnt back down.,
SO- what are we to do, when you have purchsed many thousands of dollars in inventory-now sitting on it. (in my case over $200k)- no choice-create another acct, in a relatives name??
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