Want to check I have am doing this right
Hello all
Yes i have been suspended, for ebays new performance policy, I have tried to contatc ebay never get a reply, tried to contact the buyers who left bad feedback and in most cases ignored, other told where to jump from!
It winds the hell out of me, when you see ⊗⊗⊗⊗ goods and knock off dvd's being sold all the time
:rant over
What I want to check is this, read through the guides, excellent, but want to check I am doing thing right.
1- ip address used ip burger every time i log on the numbers are different, good i'm guessing
2 - new e-mail address
3 - cleared all cookies etc removed all ebay software
4 - address confused, should I use a new address or same address?
5 - credit card what do you do about the address matching?
At the moment I have an account with a different address to my suspended account, but the c card is one of mine so normal address.
this is on the uk site if that makes any difference, a lot of the cc info on this site is not relervant
thanks in advance