Changing stealth info to real?
Hi all,
My old eBay account was banned in 2020 (no MP) because I shipped my items too late. I know I was wrong, I have learned my lesson. it was permanent, so I quit for a while.
In August 2021 I managed to open a new account (private, no business) with stealth name, new address (I moved) and new bank account with MP. All verified by eBay, did not have any problems. I have about 5K sales each month for a year now
But since the account name on eBay does not match my name on my bank account, my bank is know asking questions after a year and want me to stop receiving payments that are not in my name.
I wonder what I should do here. I have a company registered in NL. Should I change my eBay private account to a business account? Or can I use my real name again in eBay, as I read some comments that it worked for some people after they introduced Managed Payments.
Hope someone can help. Thnx!