i use hidemyip2007 and I recently got suspended. I was wondering would they redflag all the random ip addresses that i had when i signed in with and is it possible that hidemyip2007 assigned me an ip address that was already redflagged by ebay?
please reply back asap. you can private msg me or reply to this thread.
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!
I tried using a IP anomizer and when I would set accounts to sell it would get suspended. I noticed this 6 months ago. You have to let the account ago 3-6 months before using it to sell. You can us it as a buying account only til it ages. I used the last 3 I set up to sell after they aged 6 months.
I tried using a IP anomizer and when I would set accounts to sell it would get suspended. I noticed this 6 months ago. You have to let the account ago 3-6 months before using it to sell. You can us it as a buying account only til it ages. I used the last 3 I set up to sell after they aged 6 months.
I sell from about the 5-6th day on new accounts without problems.
Hi Poland, I remember you asking me about hide my ip. You should always test that it is working first before signing in go to ww.whatismyipaddress.com because sometimes it says its hiding your real ip address when it isn't. I haven't had any problems so far (knock on wood)