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Old 04-04-2007
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Default Question about new account and checking account info?

Like many of you, long time powerseller suspended for being linked to permanently suspended user.. Of course I have no idea who this seller is and if there account was legit or if it was hacked. I wonder because the suspended user had a 100% feedback rating. Ebay plays that game like you know who that seller is and you can deny till you are blue in the face but they just plain don't care. My stats are 8+ year seller, 14,000+ feedbacks and 100% rating. Never sold anything bordering on shady for the whole time on ebay. I find the emails from them now bordering on annoying. You will get 1 email saying just email us from the suspended user account and all will be fine.. I reply that I do not even know what that email address would possibly be.. Then they say just send us your life history and all will be fine.. You do that and of course get an email saying that your account will remain suspended until the PSU gets re-instated.. Well if I have no idea who that is, how do you expect me to accomplish that hoop to jump through. I actually received a phone call and email from the Office of the President regarding an email I had sent them. Of course the info they provided was useless as normal procedure for ebay.

My question relates to checking account info.. I recently opened a new checking account about 2 months ago, this was never placed on file with ebay but I added it to my paypal account and had money deposited into that account.. My ebay/paypal accounts were linked but never had this new account on file with ebay..

Will I get linked because I had the new account on file with paypal.. I read that ebay and paypal are not supposed to share info but I am a little suspicious of this being 100% true..

Should I just follow aspkins rule and change the numbers around a little when I open my new account? I have already changed my ip address, deleted passwords and cookies and have gift visa card.. It is this last step that has me a little concerned with the checking account.. Will the Visa/MC Cards I can buy at the mall work just the same as the simon cards?
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Old 04-04-2007
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Just when creating your new eBay account, don't link your Paypal and eBay accounts, and also you should be okay adding your new checking account if you wish to eBay, but why would you? Just use bogus information, and you'll be okay.
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Old 04-05-2007
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I have a phone number through private phone that will work OK.. Would using an address 2 cities over from me raise a red flag for ip data or should I just get a address through a ups store.. we have 2 of them within a mile of my address.
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