Okay look,
if you were ebay trying to figure out scam artist how would you see it?
if you saw a new user buying penny auctions and low priced items right from the begining you would know something was up? Wouldn't that raise a reg flag with you?
Stop buying them low priced item with new accounts!
What you need to do is act like a new ser and browse ebay for a week them list **** to sell. Act like your a new user.. Be slick with it. play ebay at their own game..
You have to see it from ebay eyes and not yours.
Hwen you create a new account, browse ebay for a few days and place bids on items (rather you win or not), then buy small stuff.
But to close this, in all reality, you don't need feedback to sell items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People will buy off you regardless of yourfeedbak, beause they know they have protection with their credit card!
So don't worry too much about feedback, feed back is irrelavent.