Blackberry flash/browser cookies, and ip address what to do? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 11-18-2010
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Default Blackberry flash/browser cookies, and ip address what to do?


I am a newbie to all of this, and wanted to know some information about this question that I have? reading over the first part about ip address, flash cookies, cookies and ebay tracking. As I had mentioned before, I don't own an actual desktop or laptop computer. I primarily use public shared computers. Fed ex office, and the public library at several public branches throughout the city. 90% of my functions are handled with my Blackberry smart phone as far as answering questions for eBay members at hours of the night and day. My question, how will this affect my accounts. I am not to much up to speed on most of this technical stuff, and would just like to know if I would be safe using public computers. And my Blackberry as my main messaging device.

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