NO JOKE! ON EBAY...AND SOME HOW MMY ANSWER WAS ...WRONG ...I WAS LIKE WTF?! I asked the guy.."Have you seen my neighbor recently? His eyes are BLUE!"
He was like sir please...youll have to turn in some info to us...and another Question are those questions random because they seem like they could go either way. Once a guy asked me which man was governor of California in the past (my state)
Ronald Regan or The Govenator (Arnold Swartzenegger...)
Now that just sounds seriously and unbelieveably retarded so I really hope you guys aren't making this up.
If this is really true then this is just extremely retarded
I swear on my ebay account...the still intact is no lie...and somehow i always get the answer wrong even if its a legitimate question. Anyone have any idea how to get the answers CORRECT or is it just a cointoss?
When ebay asks you stupid questions like that. they DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER.. Just say "it's none of those" Eye color? I would of said are you serious? I kinda call bs on the eye color question. How can by any stretch of the imagination that be a legitimate question?
even if none of those is not an option. just say none of those. i honestly don't know if i trust the original poster. i can't see ebat asking about your neighbors features...