Their emails are Very Degrading and rude.. (Mine come from LOSS PREVENTION DEPT)..
They make YOU out to be a criminal,, (they just dont want folks completing the sale, and u getting paid)..
My folks, forward the emails to me, bad mouthing ebay for 'such a terrible thing"!
--My customers for the most part are mad because of it, and offer to pay me outside of ebay..
Last month, one guy felt so bad for what theyve done to me, he spent over $4,000.00 off ebay,, in 3 diff orders, he had me emailng him pics fro days, then he'd place an order...
>> I fight fire with fire,, (1st of ALL, I am NOT a criminal, 2nd, all Im trying to do, is sell my goods, and No ONE has EVER complained about not getting goods from me...
So, with that in mind,
I have no problem, sending my customers an appealing letter asking for their help to get me reinstated, as
Someone "Hi jacked my acct" from overseas,,, and ebay just tells me, theyre working on it...
--- Some of these folks, get down right beligerant with ebay.. they forward to me emails they send on MY behalf......