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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards eBay.com.

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Old 03-31-2008
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Default ip address


I just had couple of my accounts suspended but no explanation from ebay as usual.

I have a couple of dial up accounts that I use for opening accounts.

I always use different ip address for each account but my question is this.

one internet company has same dial up number to dial to connect to internet and they have a limited number if different Ip's which are being allocated per user when they connect to internet which is changed everytime you connect to internet.

My question is won't I be suspended by ebay if I have open an account with them and maybe that ip address has allready been used by another user to open an ebay account and they would link the accounts that way.

there is no way for me to know that.

what do you guys do to open accounts is there a way you check it out or not.

I just had couple of my accounts suspended for Vero items and I decided never to sell them again as I don't know a way around it.

If anyone can point me to a solution for vero items please let me know willing to pay for help. I wanted to purhcase ebooks on vero but don't know which ones are good.

any help is appreciated.
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Old 03-31-2008
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As for your ISP, the best thing you can do is check your IP address before signing into eBay. Check IP Burger - What is my IP Address? Find Your IP Address! for your Ip address and write it down making sure you don't use it with another eBay account.

VeRO is hard to get around. There are a few things you can do but not very much to get around being suspended. It's not guaranteed either. Read this forum for more info: http://www.aspkin.com/forums/suspens...tatement-talk/
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